Sunday 3 July 2011

Crimes rate in Singapore has been dropping

Last Updated Rebrury 2011

Overall Crime reported fell by 0.6% (or -200 cases), from 33,186 cases in 2009 to 32,986 cases in 2010. Three of the six crime classes registered decreases in 2010 as compared to the year before: Violent Property Crimes (- 186 cases or -25%), Housebreaking and Related Crimes (- 129 cases or -13%) and Theft and Related Crimes (-962 cases or -5%). The details are as follow:
  1. Violent Property Crimes, which refer to crimes involving the taking of money or property by force or threat of force against the victims, decreased from 751 cases to 565 cases (-186 cases or -25%). In particular, the number of robbery cases saw a significant drop of 195 cases (or -27%), from 713 cases to 518 cases.
  2. Housebreaking and Related Crimes fell by 129 cases (or -13%), from 1,025 cases in 2009 to 896 cases in 2010. This is believed to be largely due to the fact that Police arrested 37 serial housebreakers who were responsible for at least 635 cases of housebreaking.
  3. Theft and Related Crimes decreased by 962 cases (or - 5 %), from 20,445 cases to 19,483 cases . Most notably, significant decreases were noted for bicycle theft (-352 cases or -33 %) and shop theft (- 489 cases or - 9 %). This may be attributed to Police’s public educational efforts to combat theft, increased Police patrols, and the arrest of 240 bicycle thieves in 2010.
Three of the six crime classes registered increases in 2010, compared to 2009:
  1. Commercial Crimes, comprising mainly cheating and related offences, registered an increase of 13% (or +448 cases), from 3,359 cases to 3,807 cases. The increase in Commercial Crimes can be attributed to a rise in the number of cheating cases involving impersonation (+122 cases or +78%) as well as rental scams (+40 cases or +21%). Cases involving impersonation include those in which the culprit was caught trying to enter a casino using another person’s identification document (there were 55 such cases in 2010).
  2. Crimes Against Persons, which refers to crimes where the victim suffers bodily harm as a result of the crime, registered an increase of 8 % (or + 365 cases), from 4,422 cases to 4,787 cases. The increase in Crimes Against Persons is largely attributable to increases registered in acts which endanger others (from 515 cases to 641 cases or +24%) such as “killer litter” and Outrage of Modesty ( OM ) cases (+141 cases or + 11 %).
  3. Miscellaneous Crimes, comprising various offences such as vandalism, trespassing and disorderly behavior, registered 3,448 cases in 2010, up from 3,184 cases in 2009 (+264 cases or + 8 %). The increase in Miscellaneous Crimes can be attributed to a rise in the number of Criminal Trespass (from 147 cases to 263 cases or +79%); Mischief by Fire cases (from 231 cases to 305 cases or +32%); and offences under the Computer Misuse Act (from 174 cases to 271 cases or +56%).

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